Friday, 5 August 2016

Chapter 14 ( 4 verses)



जनक उवाच
Janaka spoke

प्रकृत्या शून्यचित्तो यः प्रमादाद्भावभावनः ।
निद्रितो बोधित इव क्षीणसंस्मरणे हि सः ॥१४-१॥

If one is by nature empty-minded,
and has thoughts about objects (while engaged in works) only by chance,
  he has no memories of his past, like a person woken up from sleep.

(How can one do actions and still be aware of the Aatman?
Are you not already doing actions, with the ‘I’ as the centre of your existence?
When you have existed as the ‘not-I’?
Without meditation on the ‘I’, without any chant or a Guru to spoon-feed you the idea, you have always been living as the ‘I’ only.
That same I will continue to be the silent existence.
The only difference between the ignorant man and the Knower is that their ideas about this ‘I’ are different.
The fool acts like the insane, and thinks that he is the inert body.
The Knower knows that he is just what he is; the understanding consciousness.
The fool sees divisions. The fool believes that solid objects alone fill the world.
The wise one knows that solidity is also just a sense perception.
He does not get fooled by senses.
The very understanding power called Chit shines as the misconceived knowledge of the ignorant; and the correct knowledge of the Knower.
They can do the same actions, walk the same road, eat the same food, talk the same thing; but the ignorant lives in a real world made of real objects; and the wise one is alone as himself.
When he does any work, he performs them to the utmost perfection.
His nature is to shine as perfection.
Of course the mind and body will be busy when doing a work.
Concentrating only on that particular job at hand in a fully absorbed state, as if in meditation, forgetting the entire perceived world, he completes the work to the best of his ability; and he is not bothered about results.
Results will be perfect if the job is perfect. It is the rule that governs the world.
Even if the results are not good by any chance happening, he will not bother.
Why bother about what happens in a dream?
The world including the ego, body, mind is the dream of Chit!
The Knower performs the actions as if asleep; unaffected and unbothered.
After the job is over, the brain will naturally store the memories that are needed for the life-story.
He will forget all and attend to the next job, which is like another meditation session for him; a full absorption session as his own awareness-state.
Every moment, the Knower is in the absorbed state of Chit; be it a work, or be it an enjoyment to be gone through!
Every moment is fresh; new; joyful; and full absorption into himself without the disturbance of the ‘perceived’!
His existence is an ever-flowing river of joy.)

 क्व धनानि क्व मित्राणि क्व मे विषयदस्यवः ।
क्व शास्त्रं क्व च विज्ञानं यदा मे गलिता स्पृहा ॥१४-२॥

Where the riches, where the friends,
where are those thieves namely sense-objects,
where the scripture, where the knowledge,
when my desire is completely dissolved?

(I own nothing! Nothing looks valuable to me. Everything is just the sense-perception only, be it the gold or the dust.
Gold also is a shine as my understanding power.
Dust also is a shine as my understanding power.
Everything is just an object of Knowledge, and does not exist separately out of me.
Knowledge and the object known are the same.
There are no divisions in knowledge; for division also is an object of knowledge!
There is no delusion in Knowledge, because delusion is also an object of knowledge.
Sense objects cannot steal off my mind anymore like petty thieves; for I have subdued the mind, their leader.
Mind does not get attracted by the sense objects anymore. It just does the minimal job of revealing the objects; and nothing more. It stays always empty of thoughts; and thoughts rise only when willed by me, the Supremacy.
Why should I study any scripture anymore?
What is there to achieve any more?
What knowledge is there outside of me?
What is there to desire, or want?
There is only the Self, the empty expanse of Knowledge!)

विज्ञ्नाते साक्षिपुरुषे परमात्मनि चेश्वरे ।
नैराश्ये बन्धमोक्षे च न चिन्ता मुक्तये मम ॥१४-३॥

When the witness in the embodied state,
 the Supreme Self, the Lord of all has been realized as the Self,
I have no need to think about bondage and liberation,
 or about attaining liberation also.

अन्तर्विकल्पशून्यस्य बहिः स्वच्छन्दचरिणः ।
भ्रान्तस्येव दशास्तास्तास्तादृशा एव जानते ॥१४-४॥

The Knowers have no agitation at all within.
In the outside (when attending to world affairs), they behave freely as they like.
(No rules bind them.)
They are in the state of intoxication as it were, (lost in some secret unique joy).
 They can be recognized by the same type of Knowers only.

(What joy does a JeevanMukta enjoy?
How can it be explained in words?
It is not a joy defined by a chemical secretion in the brain.
The joy of the world is mostly, the relief from pain; possession-joy; imagined joy; conceit-joy; wealth possession joy; eating joy and the joy even of ‘I am eating’.
What is defined as joy in the world is just a joy born out of greed, arrogance, self-conceit, possessions, self-glory, etc.
What is defined as joy in the world is the humor where the human laughs at his own stupid actions as jokes.
Loud laughter, grin, smile; all these exhibit the inert action of the brain and get defined as joy.
A knower does not laugh like an insane or keep grinning all the time. His bliss is not expressed outside at all, except as the calmness and coolness he exhibits in his actions.  Like a lover enjoying the sweetness of the beloved’s memory silently, without expressing it outwardly, the Knower is secretly lost in that unique bliss.
His bliss is not visible outside.
Whether he has to cry at a life-situation, or get angry for a wrong-doing, he is still secretly in the state of bliss only.
Outside stories of the world does not affect this blissful state of his at all.
The bliss is stuck; immovable; unchangeable and eternal.
This Bliss is the true ‘I’.
How can the ignorant men, who catch on to inert objects as inert egos, ever understand the joy of a Knower which is never found even in Indra’s heaven!
A knower alone knows what the other Knower’s bliss-state is!)

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