जनक उवाच
Janaka spoke
क्व भूतानि क्व देहो वा क्वेन्द्रियाणि क्व वा मनः ।
क्व शून्यं क्व च नैराश्यं मत्स्वरूपे निरञ्जने ॥२०-१॥
Where are the elements, where is the
body, where are the senses, where is the mind, where is emptiness, where is
desirelessness, in my taintless form of Self?
क्व शास्त्रं क्वात्मविज्नानं क्व वा निर्विषयं मनः ।
क्व तृप्तिः क्व वितृष्णात्वं गतद्वन्द्वस्य मे सदा ॥२०-२॥
What meaning is there for words like
scripture, self-knowledge, mind freed of
thoughts of objects, satisfaction,
absence of thirst for pleasures,
when I see no dual-states of anything?
क्व वा विद्या क्व वाविद्या क्वाहं क्वेदं मम क्व वा ।
क्व बन्ध क्व च वा मोक्षः स्वरूपस्य क्व रूपिता ॥२०-३॥
What is Vidyaa or Avidyaa, what is ‘I’,
‘’this’ or ‘mine’?
What is bondage or liberation?
What is there to realize as my nature
which is my own nature?
क्व प्रारब्धानि कर्माणि जीवन्मुक्तिरपि क्व वा ।
क्व तद्विदेहकैवल्यं निर्विशेषस्य सर्वदा ॥२०-४॥
Where do I have Praarabdha Karmas?
(results of actions which have started
What is JeevanMukti for me?
What is the lone-state of bodiless
liberation (VidehaKaivalyam),
when I am free of all divisions?
(Where is the body to be a Videha, the
bodiless state?)
क्व कर्ता क्व च वा भोक्ता निष्क्रियं स्फुरणं क्व वा ।
क्वापरोक्षं फलं वा क्व निःस्वभावस्य मे सदा ॥२०-५ ॥
Who is a doer or enjoyer?
What is non-action, and shining forth as
What is the indirect state or
what fruit is to be gained, when I have
no nature at all?
क्व लोकं क्व मुमुक्षुर्वा क्व योगी ज्ञ्नानवान् क्व वा ।
क्व बद्धः क्व च वा मुक्तः स्वस्वरूपेऽहमद्वये ॥२०-६॥
Where is the world?
Who is a seeker after liberation? Who is
a Yogi? Who is a Knower?
Who is bound, who is liberated,
when I am the non-dual as my true
क्व सृष्टिः क्व च संहारः क्व साध्यं क्व च साधनम् ।
क्व साधकः क्व सिद्धिर्वा स्वस्वरूपेऽहमद्वये ॥२०-७॥
What creation, what dissolution?
What is to be achieved, or what means of
achieving it?
Who is a Saadhak who wants to achieve it,
what is a Siddhi that gets achieved,,
when I am the non-dual as my true
क्व प्रमाता प्रमाणं वा क्व प्रमेयं क्व च प्रमा ।
क्व किंचित् क्व न किंचिद्वा सर्वदा विमलस्य मे ॥२०-८॥
Who understands knowledge (of the
what are the means of such knowledge,
what is to be understood, what is
knowledge that is understood?
What is something, what is not
for me who is always taintless?
क्व विक्षेपः क्व चैकाग्र्यं क्व निबोधः क्व मूढता ।
क्व हर्षः क्व विषादो वा सर्वदा निष्क्रियस्य मे ॥२०-९॥
What disturbance, what
what is learning, what is foolishness,
what is happiness, what is sorrow,
when I do not do anything anytime?
क्व चैष व्यवहारो वा क्व च सा परमार्थता ।
क्व सुखं क्व च वा दुःखं निर्विमर्शस्य मे सदा ॥२०-१०॥
What is this world affair, or what is
What is happiness, what is sadness,
when I am always free of all
क्व माया क्व च संसारः क्व प्रीतिर्विरतिः क्व वा ।
क्व जीवः क्व च तद्ब्रह्म सर्वदा विमलस्य मे ॥२०-११॥
What is Maayaa? What is Samsaara?
What is attachment or non-attachment?
What is a Jeeva or what is Brahman,
when I am always taintless?
क्व प्रवृत्तिर्निवृत्तिर्वा क्व मुक्तिः क्व च बन्धनम् ।
कूटस्थनिर्विभागस्य स्वस्थस्य मम सर्वदा ॥२०-१२॥
What is interest towards the world or
disinterest towards the world?
What is liberation, what is bondage,
when I exist as an immovable principle
without divisions,
and am established in my own nature?
क्वोपदेशः क्व वा शास्त्रं क्व शिष्यः क्व च वा गुरुः ।
क्व चास्ति पुरुषार्थो वा निरुपाधेः शिवस्य मे ॥२०-१३॥
What is instruction, what scripture?
Who is Guru, who is disciple?
What is there to be achieved as a human
when I am the auspicious state without any
What is there or not there, what exists
as one or as two?
What is there to say anymore?
Nothing ever rises for me at all!
क्व चास्ति क्व च वा नास्ति क्वास्ति चैकं क्व च द्वयम्
बहुनात्र किमुक्तेन किंचिन्नोत्तिष्टते मम ॥२०-१४॥
What is? What is not?
What oneness is there, or what twoness?
Why say more words?
Nothing ever rises out of me.
(Nothing comes out of Brahman as the
(Brahman alone is the world.)
॥ॐ तत्सत् ॥
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