Friday, 5 August 2016

Chapter 19 (8 verses)


जनक उवाच
Janaka spoke


तत्त्वविज्ञ्नानसन्दंशमादाय हृदयोदरात्
नानाविधपरामर्शशल्योद्धारः कृतो मया ॥१९-१॥

Using the tweezers of the correct Knowledge of Reality,
I have removed all the thorns of reflections presented by various philosophies,
 from the inside of my heart.

क्व धर्मः क्व वा कामः क्व चार्थः क्व विवेकिता
क्व द्वैतं क्व वाऽद्वैतं स्वमहिम्नि स्थितस्य मे ॥१९-२॥

What need of Dharma, what need of Kaama,
what need of wealth (Artha), what need of discrimination,
what need of Dvaita, what need of Advaita,
is there for me who is established in my own glory!

क्व भूतं क्व भविष्यद्वा वर्तमानमपि क्व वा
क्व देशः क्व वा नित्यं स्वमहिम्नि स्थितस्य मे ॥१९- ३॥

What is past, what is future, what the present also,
what is place, what is eternality,  
  for me who is established in my own glory!

क्व चात्मा क्व वानात्मा क्व शुभं क्वाशुभं यथा
क्व चिन्ता क्व वाचिन्ता स्वमहिम्नि स्थितस्य मे ॥१९- ४॥

What is Self, what is non-self,
what is auspiciousness, what is inauspiciousness,
what is thinking, what is non-thinking,  
  for me who is established in my own glory!

क्व स्वप्नः क्व सुषुप्तिर्वा क्व जागरणं तथा
क्व तुरीयं भयं वापि स्वमहिम्नि स्थितस्य मे ॥१९- ५॥

What is Svapna, what is Sushupti, what is Jaagrat, what is Tureeyaa,
what is the fear of worldly existence,  
  for me who is established in my own glory!

 क्व दूरं क्व समीपं वा बाह्यं क्वाभ्यन्तरं क्व वा
क्व स्थूलं क्व वा सूक्ष्मं स्वमहिम्नि स्थितस्य मे ॥१९- ६॥

What is distance, what is nearness,
what is outside, what is inside, what is gross, what is subtle,  
  for me who is established in my own glory!

क्व मृत्युर्जीवितं वा क्व लोकाः क्वास्य क्व लौकिकम्
क्व लयः क्व समाधिर्वा स्वमहिम्नि स्थितस्य मे ॥१९-७॥

What is death, what is life, what are people, what is worldliness 
what is dissolving off,
what is the absorbed state of contemplation,    
  for me who is established in my own glory!

अलं त्रिवर्गकथया योगस्य कथयाप्यलम्
अलं विज्ञ्नानकथया विश्रान्तस्य ममात्मनि ॥१९-८॥

Enough of the talks of three goals of Dharma, Artha and Kaama,
enough of the practices of the liberation,
enough of instructions on knowledge,
for me who rests in my own essence!

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